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Ricardo Paes de Barros

Researcher - IPEA — Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada -Brasília, DF

Towards equitable development in the Amazon: Acre experience and challenges ahead

In many states of the Amazon region, economic development is spurred by a few leading exporting sectors that are based on the exploitation of natural resources (forest stewardship and animal husbandry, for example). In Acre, such strategy may lead to a high degree of monopolization and inefficiency in the production of other goods and services in the economy. This economic structure emerges because the internal local market is too small (a function of geographic isolation), the population density is too low in the country side, and because the per capita income is also minimal. To reach a more equitable development standard, a series of measures and precautions must be implemented.

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Ricardo Paes de Barros is a researcher at IPEA — Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada -Brasília, DF. He studies social inequality, education, poverty, and the labor market in Brazil and in other Latin American countries.